Benchmarks and Strategies to Improve Your Practice Performance

 Benchmarks and Strategies


Improve Your Practice Performance

Mary E. Schmidt, ABOC, CPO

Course Description

With all of today’s economic challenges, is your practice is doing well?  Could it be better?  Do you know where your systems are thin and where are they fat?  How do you continue to compete and improve your bottom line?  Are you utilizing staff to their full potential?  Learn how to evaluate the economic forces within your practice, how your numbers relate to national averages, and how you can make effective changes for improvement in the future.


Learning objective

After completing this course, attendees will:

Be able to determine performance standards for their practice to meet

Have the ability to evaluate their areas in need of improvement

Understand steps to take to improve the economic performance of their business

Design real world economic guidelines to make effective changes in productivity and staff performance.


Needs Assessment:

All practices needing to understand economic forces on their practices and wanting to improve profits and staff performance.

Length of Workshop: 1 hour

Audience: Leadership

Approved CE: ABO, AOA