CPOA Review

Taking Your Next Professional Step

Mary E. Schmidt, ABOC, CPO

Course Description:

This program is a review of materials in preparation for taking the Certified Paraoptometric Assistants exam.  This course will confirm your knowledge but it not a substitute for studying.  We will allow time for questions and clarifying information.


Learning Objective:

After completion of this workshop, attendees will: 

Confirm their knowledge

Understand where to focus their study efforts

Have more confidence in their knowledge

Be better prepared for the exam

 Better understand the questions that may be on the test

Understand their role in quality patient care and education.

Provide quality patient care

Communicate more effectively with patients.

Learn how to mentor other team members.


Needs Assessment:

Practices needing to improve staff productivity and patient care

Length of workshop: 3 Hours 

Audience: CPO certificated staff

Approved CE: AOA