Making Work Fun - Makes Your Practice Grow
Making Work Fun…Makes Your Practice Grow!
Mary E. Schmidt, ABOC, CPO
Course Description:
Everyone wants to make a difference on the job, and cultivating an environment that is upbeat goes a long way in making work fun. Positive morale equals a positive impact on your bottom line. This course is designed to give managers the ability to improve working conditions, motivate and inspire staff to give their all.
Learning Objective:
After completion of the course attendees will:
Understand how to motivate staff members
Have the ability to get a “personal best” from each employee in the practice
Improve their communication skills
Help each staff member can positively impact the practice
Needs Assessment:
Those wishing to motivate staff and maximize staff potential
Audience: Paraoptometric; Optician, Managers, Practice Leaders
Length of Workshop: 1 hour
Approved CE: ABO, AOA